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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Discovering God’s Will For Your Life
Whether you are preparing to enter into the new school year, waiting to enlist into the army, or serving your term there, one mind-boggling and often confusing question is bound to emerge: “What is God’s will for my life?”
The first time that I seriously asked God this question was at the Junction 8 bus stop, feeling totally confused and helpless in the choice of junior college to enroll in. I had relatively good grades so all choices were open to me. The final “battle” in my mind was between Victoria JC and Raffles JC and Victoria emerged as my final choice when I clicked the “Confirm” button on the online registration form with my eyes half-closed in uncertainty. While I did not experience a manifest presence of God appearing in glory proclaiming, “Yenchin, you are to go to Victoria!”, there were some signs indicating His direction. But before I elaborate, let us explore the nature of God and how we are to expect and receive the guidance of God.
First of all, “Is God willing to guide us?” This may sound ridiculous to some of us, but recall a major decision in your life when you prayed to God like never before, but only to receive no response. “Is God really going to guide me?” we ask in frustration.
The truth is that God is MORE than willing to guide us. Psalm 48:14 “This is God, our God forever and ever. He will guide us forever.” God is more committed to showing us his will than we are in discovering it. He has promised in Psalm 32:8, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go”.
Since God is willing to guide, let me introduce the 4 “C”s, taught by Nicky Gumbel in the Alpha Course, which God often uses to communicate His will to us. * * *
Commanding Scripture – “What does the Bible Say?”
The fact is, his will for us is already made plain in his Word. Should I go to the up and coming ZoukOut at Sentosa? 1 Thess 4:3-4 has an answer: “It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable”. Or should I tithe to the church? Leviticus 27:30 says, “A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord”. Should I date a girl/guy who is not a christian? 2 Corinthians 6:14 says, “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers”. God’s Word speaks to every situation in life, whether as a direct command, or in the form of a general precept. Hence, before we make decisions, it is wise to consult the Scriptures first. * * *
Circumstantial Signs -- “What doors are open/closed?”
While consulting the Scriptures should be our No.1 priority, there will be instances when we are unsure. Hence, altering our circumstances is an alternative way in which God directs our paths.
In Acts 16:6-8, we see that the Holy Spirit actually guides Paul and his team by placing obstacles in their way! Doors were closed and they were prevented from entering Asia. Therefore, we ought not to feel too disappointed if we miss out on some opportunities, as it may just be God’s hand at work for our own benefit.
I personally experienced His hand at work when I scored less than my expectations for my A levels. I was disappointed, as I had missed out on a scholarship that will enable me to study overseas, but I realized that it was God’s plan for me to stay, since this “door” was closed. With hindsight, I am glad that I can be involved in our church’s ongoing revival, and contribute to God’s work in my little ways.
What doors has He opened or closed in your life? * * *
Counsel of the Saints -- “What do my leaders say?”
Proverbs 15:22, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed”.
Proverbs 19:20, “Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise.”
Seeking the counsel of the wise and those who are spiritually mature can often throw light upon a difficult situation we face. This enables us to appreciate our situation better, allowing us to make a wiser decision that brings about the will of God in our lives.
Personally, I am constantly seeking the counsel of my parents, my girlfriend’s parents, Hsia Pin, Eunice and Dr Khoo regarding our relationship. Recently, we faced a dilemma on whether we should be committed to the same church. Recognizing that we cannot reach a conclusion on our own, we approached our leaders on both sides, who questioned our intent. This refocused us onto a fundamental question. Are we planning to be in the same church for God or for ourselves? Thank God for our leaders, whose counsel prevented a wrong move.
Are there wise and mature Christians that you can consult in times of uncertainty? * * *
Compelling Spirit -- “What do I sense in my spirit?”
Through Jesus’s death and resurrection, God has placed in us the Holy Spirit – God Himself – and His Spirit works in us and directs our paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
As we trust in the Lord and place our decisions into His hands, He will direct our paths.
It is chiefly the experience of the Spirit’s calling that prompted me to enroll into Victoria Junior College. After weeks of prayer and consulting with God, I felt confident that it was the place for me. There was a strong Christian culture; and I was personally touched by the daily prayer meetings conducted by students. Even as I felt a tinge of uncertainty in making this choice, there was an overall sense of assurance. Having graduated for a year past, I often look back with no regrets and I thank God for placing me there. * * *
In conclusion, the 4 “CS”: Commanding Scripture, Circumstantial Signs, Counsel of the Saints and Compelling Spirit, is a guide to help us in understanding the various ways in which God communicates His will to us. However, it is much more important to remember the fundamentals: that His greatest command for us is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” [Matthew 22:37]
Without this, His will will never be known. Neither will it be revealed to hearts that do not desire Him.
- Yenchin
the alleged @ 3:27 AM
Discovering God’s Will For Your Life
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