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Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Christmas Party // Testimonies
Chee Kit's Testimony Hi guys! My name is Lai Chee Kit and I am 14 this year. I am currently studying in Xinmin Secondary.
Previously, I was a ‘worrier’ of every single little thing. I would worry about even the smallest details that you could imagine. I was also very skeptical about God’s words and plans. For example, I would wonder or fear whether I would lose out if I commit myself totally to God even though I have heard many times about the scripture in Matt 6 : 33 “ But seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things would be added unto you”. Therefore, I lived life striving for position and grades. I was my own boss.
Let me give you two examples in my life where I struggled with God in this area of trusting him. One of them would be surrendering my position as a student leader / councilor. God spoke to me at that time to surrender this area to him. That was really a struggle for me as it was really a battle between what I want as well as what God wants. I decided to just do what God wants because it pleases him that we obey him. Even now as I look back at my life, I could really see that this was the best decision. I now had more time to improve and also serve as a guitarist in church. The other senior student leaders also recognize that I had made a good choice and some of them also regret being a student leader. If I have not obeyed God right, I think that now I would be a very tired and bedraggled person. I think that I also could not be up here to share with you my testimony.
Another example would have to be worrying for the future, especially next year as I would have to take up more responsibilities. God also spoke to me in this area. Remember during one of the youth group sessions, I had a word about a person pulling off the petals from a flower, saying “He loves me, he loves me not”. The message that God gave was that we should not doubt God’s plans but trust in his everlasting love. This was such an appropriate message to me at that time and this was also an assurance of his love.
So guys, I can testify that obeying God and trusting in his plans and promises is not a good choice, but it is the BEST choice. I still cannot say that I have stopped worrying completely but I feel that I am now worrying less than before with the revelation that God is faithful and he will provide a way. You will not loose out but you will gain so much more than you could ever imagine. Thank You.
Shaun's Testimony
Hi everyone.. its by God’s grace that I can post my testimony up on THE ALLEGIANCE BLOG!! My name is Shaun and I’m 16 this year.
When I was young, about 9 or 10 years of age, I had a dream. It was a dream of me in a race and God told me “ I am putting you in a race. In this race, there may be many obstacles but in everything you do, just do your best and I will see you through.” I still remember it vividly and until now, I still stand on God’s promise that he will be there with me, even in times of crisis. The key thing that God mentioned is that I have to do my best.
This, coupled with a few more inspiring messages, such as the one Eunice shared about having a spirit of excellence has spurred me on to give my all in everything that I do. As most of you would know, I just completed my Olevels this year. Most people would have thought that I would retain because of my poor attitude towards studies. I’m not saying this to boast or anything but I just want to illustrate how good and merciful God has been in my life.
In primary school and lower secondary, I would say I worked considerably hard but in sec 3, came my mid-life crisis. I totally lost all my desire for studies and my discipline just vaporised. To be frank, I thought that was the end for me. When it came to sec 4, I was just as bad, getting a very forgettable 32 pts for my mid-yr. However, God once again came true for me. He gave me strength and determination to do my best. Further more, He has put me in this community with people who have showered endless support and encouragement onto me. In the end, I managed to get 11 pts for prelims. Praise the Lord!
Also, God has been so real in my life. I used to be a so-called Sunday Christian, merely attending church for the sake of it. Honestly, it was my mum’s incessant nags that forced me to church. That was at my old church. But every since I joined this church some 20 months ago, I have truly experienced God. He has become a reality in my life. The church is real and the people are real. I no longer go to church because I’m forced to but simply because God is present and I get to mingle with fellow believers. In John 4:24, it says “ God is spirit, and His worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth”. I now can worship freely for God and even enjoy it.
God has been so real to me, constantly moulding me and tuning me. He has changed me in many aspects of life. One example is in the area of patience. I used to be so short-tempered, often getting frustrated when things did not turn out the way I wanted it to be. However, God has really changed me. Now, I have the determination and the fighting spirit to accomplish things, in spite of difficulties or time constraints. My mum was so surprised with the change in me. Even my dad, a non-believer, noticed that change.
To all my brothers and sisters, God is real. If God can be so true to me, I am absolutely sure that he will also come true for you if only you desire Him. Keep your faith and have a wonderful Christmas! God bless !
the alleged @ 8:11 PM
Christmas Party 2006 =)
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