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Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Testimony - Chee Kit
Hi, everyone! I am Lai Chee Kit and I am 14 years old this year. My life as a Christian now can be described in one simple word, exciting. Well, in my testimony, I will tell you about my life before I had a personal relationship with God, what happened in my life that changed my entire mindset of being a Christian, and most importantly, how God is working in my life now.
Well, I was fortunate to be born into a Christian family, and every Sunday, I went to church and did all the Christian things. My life revolved round activities, just basically doing, and doing, and doing things. Up to some point in my life, I felt really tired and drained out and I started comparing my life with my other friends. My friends would be watching cartoons, playing computer games every Sunday morning. What about I? I was spending my time, trying to keep awake during messages, and sulking in my seat. I felt that I had a “deprived childhood” and I really wanted to give up this whole idea of Christianity.
I want all of you to look at me right now. Do I look like a grumpy old grouch who would rather rot at home watching Gundam Seed rather than coming to church? So, what happened that caused this drastic change?
Well, when I came to CCC, I learned that Christianity is all about having a personal relationship with God and being his sons and daughters. I realized that my concept of Christianity was really very shallow. The messages in church challenged me to be an all out Christian for God. Soon, I caught the passion and hunger for God, and this has never left me.
Even as I honour God and commit to all my church activities, I can really see God working in my life and helping me every step of the way especially in my studies. Even during the examination period, I helped to play in the music team and go to church on Sundays. Even though I have less time than my friends to study, I made sure I was adequately prepared. I did extremely well in my exams and got top in science and 6th in the level.
God also helped me in making choices in my life. For example, God spoke to me one day not to be a student leader in my school. Even though I did not know why, I took the step of faith and committed to God my decision. As I carried on in my life, I realized that this was the best thing that God had intended me to be. I have more time to improve as a musician and I also have less stress.
I just want you to remember one thing, that living life is easy as a child of God, I did not have to strive so hard to do well. Even as I honoured God 1st , God also blessed me. Living life is definitely not a struggle.
- Chee Kit, 26 Aug 2006
the alleged @ 7:14 PM
Testimony - Gabriel
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