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Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Leader's note
GOD IS MOVING Whoa! God has been good to us. From a puny group of 4, we have grown to become a bunch of almost 20 youths in a few months. God is moving! Furthermore, our vision for the homegroup became adopted as the vision for the entire church. The church has been praying for years for the youth and finally, we are seeing things happen among the youths. People are becoming more committed to the Lord and experiencing the joy of the Lord in their life. Bonding is happening, as observed in the members-only online Forum (Tim by the way is our record poster – he has more posts than the rest combined)
MAKING CHANGES 2 strategic decisions were made over the last few weeks. The first was to move our youth session from Friday to Saturday. This enabled us to reach out to the NS guys who currently had no homegroup. We warmly welcome you NS guys Chee Keen, Yen Chin, Shawn and soon-to-be NSF Dezhi. (It is really strange, but our group has so many guys now! God give us girls!!!! That sounds like a weird prayer but yup that’s what we need now.) The second was to move to E-centre instead of meeting at Duchess Ave. This enabled us to have a larger space and one that had the instruments available for us to use. Now we can start working on finding people to play the instruments! Eunice made me play the drums the other day and did you hear my embarrassingly disastrous crash? Chee Keen was probably too lost in worship to notice it. Anyway, our time at E-centre was awesome and God spoke clearly to almost everyone that day. Dr K’s message was s great reminder for us to follow God if we want to live the abundant life.
"WHO AM I?"- IDENTITY FORMATION We have always been known as a Home Group. Yup that’s it. No "West Group 1" or "Youth Alive" etc. Just plain 'home group', exactly like all the other home groups. So it was time to give us a name. Inspired by Dr K’s message one Sunday, Eunice blurted out "The Allegiance" while we were all having a wild time suggesting names. That stuck on me and over time, the group agreed on it. Special thanks to Joanna for relenting :). We caught on with the battleship idea. Check out the "In His Majesty’s Service" catchphrase on our T-shirt. Ha....
Now that the baby has got a name, let’s move on! God is going to do more in our midst so don’t miss out! Join us every Saturday for an awesome time of encountering God and His Word.
With you for His glory HP
the alleged @ 7:03 PM
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