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Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Testimony - Gabriel
Hello everybody. My name is Gabriel. I’m here today to share a testimony about how God has changed my life and is ever so real to me.
Let me introduce my family background first. I’m from a Christian family and since the age of nine, I have been going to several churches with my mother on Sundays. However, I did not really experienced God. What do I mean? Well, everytime I go to church, I see everyone lifting up their hands or bowing down on their knees to worship God. As for me, I would just stand quietly, either too afraid or embarrassed to so much as sing. I was scared to “lose face”. In Sunday school, I learnt about God and how He loved us. Yet, I could not see or hear Him. I just knew that there was a God who loved us. Knew and not felt. Knowledge, not feelings. I could not feel God’s love at all! I felt so lonely and cold. Church became an event in the week. Life continued as per normal but I can tell you there was no joy and peace. It was like I am a walking zombie, oblivious to all the good things around me. Everyday was just so boring and life seemed to have no meaning.
It was not till the age of 13/14 when I came to Christian Community Church that I began to experience God. Over here at CCC, people seemed to be really nice and open to me. I still remembered my first visit to CCC, everyone was just so nice and joyful. It was as though life was much brighter at CCC. I could feel the love of people. That was not all. I wanted to find out how these people had so much joy bubbling out of them. That was when I really started to experience God; like father and son relationship. It all happened during one of the Sunday services when I went up for prayer. Pastor Khoo prayed for me that God would be real to me and that I would return to God and let God work in my life. I sought God’s forgiveness earnestly for my ignorance and for all my wrongdoings. Then, I just cried and cried, I felt so awful. The next minute, I felt this sense of love washing over me. It was just so perfect and it made me feel that all my sins were all washed away and I was forgiven. I believe that was God’s love.I no longer felt shy about lifting up my hands or bowing on my knees to worship God. And I could just feel his presence with me, guiding me and protecting me. I was so filled with gratitude that God is so merciful and after all my sins, he forgave me!
The day right after the service on a Monday, I just felt really happy for no reason at all. Church was no longer an event in a week and I really looked forward to it. God became so real in my life. I can hear Him speak to me just like a friend.
I just want to end off by saying that God loves me. He loves you and every1 of us.
- Gabriel, 26 Aug 2006
the alleged @ 7:11 PM
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