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Monday, October 16, 2006
Salt And Light
("DON'T WASTE YOUR LIFE - Part III) Teaching by Hsia Pin
Matthew 5:13-16
In Biblical times, people used salt to
1. prevent things from decay and 2. to give taste to food.
Likewise, as Christians, our role on earth is to preserve God's standards in everyday living and uphold certain truths that no one else will uphold. We also 'flavour' society through the way we live. Just as potato chips would be no fun without salt, there would be something missing from life without God's word and God's standards - the most important part, in fact!
We are also to be light in the darkness. Jesus said of himself, "I am the light of the world" (John 12:46). Here he calls his disciples - and us - the light of the world, because after his death and resurrection, when he returned to heaven, it is left to us to bear his light in society! Light represents hope, safety and food - without it, crops would fail and we would feel a lot more alone. Some people don't like light because it exposes things they want to hide - but ultimately no one can live without it! In the same way, no one can live and be nourished without God's light - and it's from us that this will shine.
Some of us may be afraid to let others know that we are Christians, perhaps because we fear rejection, or maybe because we feel that we're not good enough people and will give Christians a bad name. But the task of spreading the light to the people around us is one that can be filled only by those who have the light. And if we hide our light and do not live out the truth, we are depriving those around us of having the light to see by and to read God's word as well.
It is not by words alone that our light will shine - in fact it is the way we live our lives that is a more important testimony to others. Some Christians seem to barge around telling people that this and that are wrong according to the Bible. This is very irritating! Yet their light is obviously shining, because they are not hiding their identity as Christians - so what are they doing wrong? Perhaps they have to learn not to give off so much irritating 'smoke' at the same time as they shine the light haha! We have to learn to proclaim God's word in a wise and gracious way, that will not be irritating to people.
This is why Paul says, "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you ay know how to answer everyone." This brings us to another meaning of 'salt':
3. a symbol for God's prudence and wisdom!
So part of our calling to be salt and light in the world is to let the wisdom of God rule in our lives as we influence those around us. And the whole point of the analogy is that we should always be seeking to advance God's kingdom - to inflence those around us and impact society. Not to live for ourselves, but to influence a generation!
- Joanna
the alleged @ 2:32 AM
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