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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Hsia Pin's Note for 2007
It has been a great year for the Allegiance. From stories of individuals having personal successes and God coming through for them in their studies, to a numerical growth of over 300% (from 4 to an average of 12), God has been good to us. Some of you have even come for Youth Group in spite of being in the midst of GCE exams because you said that Youth Group is where you relax and recharge. That really encourages me!
God has put in my heart some goals for this coming year. My prayer is that all of you will catch the vision and, together as one team, work towards making it a reality.
My vision is of a group of young people …radically serious about God’s glory. …bonded by true friendship and agape love of God …who enjoy worshipping God …maturing in God’s Word …pouring out their lives for God’s kingdom …flowing with Holy Spirit …experiencing the blessings of God
Goals to help us reach this vision
1. Development of a Youth Band
I want to develop a worship culture. Chee Keen is overseeing the development of a group of musicians and lead worshippers to lead the group in anointed God-honoring worship. I want to give anyone with a heart to worship God a chance to grow as a musician too. I am very excited to see some of you young musicians becoming pretty good. I know this is because you are putting in loads of effort: practicing and playing every week. Keep at it, it is tough but it will be worth it! I believe in you guys!
2. Hang out events
Yen Chin will be leading the bonding department. As Yen Chin leads us to kickstart bonding through events and other activities, I urge every one of you to make an effort to connect with others beyond these activities. True friendships take initiative and time. Invite people out for a meal or a game. Talk about real issues. Ask for help, prayer, advice, its ok to do that!
3. Strategy to reach out
We are still asking God for strategies to reach out. Within this year, we hope to solidfy a strategy of reaching our community and friends. We do hope to use the internet as a means to reach out to the community. Our blog will be one means. We have a mailing list too and we hope to grow that to 100 people by the end of the year.
Meanwhile, we will conduct about 6 parties this year as a platform to invite friends to meet the youth group. These will be held at strategic times: Valentine’s Day (Feb) Good Friday (Apr) June holidays (June) National Day (Aug) Nov holidays (Nov) Christmas (Dec)
So go make lots of friends and bring them to these events!
Also, let us not forget the other youths in our church who do not attend Youth Group. Let us continue to PRAY and reach out to them. We do not want to let any one of us fall down without the rest helping to pick them up. * * *
I am open to any ideas to help the group reach the goals. If the Lord places any burden and ideas in you, do speak with me!
Together with you for God’s glory, HP
the alleged @ 3:22 AM
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