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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
The Weighing Scales of Giving
Read the story of 1 Sam 2. In this story, Hannah's willingness to give up her son to God is contrasted with Eli's wicked sons, who tried to take for themselves the lives that they wanted to live, with no regard for God's law. They showed blatant disrespect to God by taking the sacrifices for themselves even before they had been offered, sleeping with the women who served in the temple etc.
Like weighing scales, we find that those who give more 'weight' to God - who place God in a more important position in their lives - will also be given more back. God responds to the way we respond to Him. If we load our side of the balance with an attitude of giving our lives to God, seeking God's presence, and shining for God, He gives us many things in return - tangible blessings as well as peace, joy and spiritual stability. However, if we do not esteem God and refuse to give Him honour, he despises us.
We should not despise our parents' discipline either, and appreciate godly parenting if we have been blessed with it!
Some of the ways that God honours us when we honour Him include
1. Position, favour among God and man. When we honour God, we also become attractive and well-liked in the eyes of the world.
2. Presence - God speaks to us
3. Passion for whatever God has planned for our calling in life - we are granted discovery, a glimpse into His plans for the world, and even honour for it, even if we have very little to go on with. Hsia Pin cited the example of George Washington Carver (1864-1943), a Christian black man in whom God had placed a great passion for knowledge, whose impoverished childhood could not stop him from becoming an agricultural scientist. He discovered hundreds of uses for the humble peanut, such as peanut butter and oil, paper and inks, which turned around the fortunes of the peanut growers. His agricultural ideas revolutionised the economy of the Southern states of America. Of every discovery he said, "God showed it to me".
the alleged @ 3:19 AM
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